The novel about a human who teams up with a hyper-intelligent zombie to solve a murder is getting a movie
The sitcom will take its cues from this summer's blockbuster rom-com
The season one finale is now playing on Hulu
He'll play a villain in the series
The eighth season of AHS premieres tonight on FX
Lodge 49 airs Mondays on AMC after Better Call Saul
The film is available to rent or own on all major platforms
The game storms onto consoles starting October 5th
The 60s-set mystery checks into theaters October 12
Arrow returns to the small screen on October 15
The film will open in limited release on October 5th
The director explains his plans for a globe-trotting sequel
The film stars Dora Madison as an artist pushed over the edge
The final season will air in 2019
The remake of the classic musical is looking for dancing Sharks and Jets
Lara Croft's next adventure launches on September 14th
The film adaptation of the popular novel hits theaters October 19th
Bohemian Rhapsody soars into theaters November 2nd
Wildlife opens in theaters October 19th
First Man lands in theaters on October 12th