Doom Patrol kicks off February 15 on DC Universe
The historical drama will premiere sometime this spring on Starz
The fifth and final season of The Affair is due to air sometime in 2019
The new miniseries from the BBC premieres tomorrow, December 22
James Verdesoto takes an analytical look at the MCU's poster design
The divine new comedy premieres February 12 on TBS
The series is in the early stages of development
The Predator is available for purchase on home video now
Season two of the historical drama premieres January 25
The newest Shaft movie will hit theaters on June 14, 2019
The Titans season finale will be available to stream this coming Friday
It joins the Stark Suit from Spider-Man: Homecoming in the character's digital wardrobe
It's being eyed as a potential star vehicle for the actress
The six-part series will premiere on Hulu
The Greta Gerwig film hits theaters on Christmas next year
The new Chucky will be a mix of digital effects and animatronics
The Deadwood movie is expected to premiere sometime in 2019
Hellboy will have a lot going on behind the horns in his latest film adaptation
Captain Marvel's solo film hits theaters on March 8, 2019
His plans include lots of ham-related puns