Chained Soldier episode 12 aired on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 11 p.m. JST, and it was the perfect conclusion to the first season. The episode was titled “Homecoming, New Resolve.” Following the arrival of the Thunder Gods in the previous episode and Izumo’s heavy injury, Kyouka took center stage as she and Yuuki battled the Unihorn, which was now under Shikoku’s control.
The episode shows Kyouka’s past, a simple girl living in a small but happy village. However, everything changes when the Unihorn attacks, killing everyone except her. The episode also showed how powerless she was to save her best friend as she watched her die.
In the present, Kyouka lunges at the Unihorn with her blade while Yuuki limits his movements, but they are shoved aside. Yuuki is able to put all his training to good use as he channels all his power into his fist before punching the Unihorn, successfully destroying some of his fingers.

Kyouka urges him to keep it up as his attacks are damaging it. However, their plans are halted when the creature transforms into a bigger and grotesque form. The Unihorn then attacks Yuuki and Kyouka, knocking them both back. Seeing as his previous tactic worked, Yuuki channels power into his mouth and bites its horn, successfully restraining it.
Kyouka then attacks the shuuki, cutting off its horn and one of its arms. The damage forces it to transform back into its original form. Yuuki uses his chain to hold it while Kyouka unveils her new move, Howling Cherry Blossom, and attacks the shuuki. She remembers all her dead relatives, channeling all her power into the skill. She successfully kills the creature. Kyouka relishes her victory and dedicates it to her people.

Chained Soldier episode 12 spoilers: Kyouka aims for Supreme Commander Position
During Kyouka and Yuuki’s heated battle against the Unihorn, Shikoku and Jouryuu watch the battle. Meanwhile, the latter leaves with Coco and Nao as prisoners.
Izumo transports the others back to base, leaving her, Yuuki, Aoba, and Kyouka present. Izumo asks Aoba what she would do, but she replies that she will rescue Coco and Yuno. Kyouka offers their help in rescuing her friends, but she refuses, saying she trusts them but not the Agency.

Kyouka and Izumo agree with her decision not to trust the Agency. Both Izumo and Kyouka question Supreme Commander Yamashiro’s methods and ruthless behavior. Following this, Aoba leaves, planning on visiting the nearby villages to make more allies.
Izumo, Yuuki, and Kyouka return to base, where they are greeted by Nei, who is happy they made it back. Later on, Kyouka asks Yuuki to come to her room later for his reward. Elsewhere, it is revealed that the thunder Gods brought Coco and Nao back as nutrients for their god. The god is revealed to be an egg with tentacles. Nao and Yuno are seemingly fed to the beast, with Shikoku announcing that something interesting will be born.

As the squads celebrate their victory, the scene shifts to Kyouka promising Aoba she will become the Supreme Commander. Izumo visits Yuuki in his room, asking for a reward, but Kyouka interrupts them, forcing Izumo to leave. The episode shows Yuuki training hard with Himawari with a new goal: saving his sister. The episode ends with the 7th squad battling with some shuuki while Aoba watches them afar.