Zai, Higan, and Mari in Ninja Kamui episode 4
Zai, Higan, and Mari in Ninja Kamui episode 4 (Photo Credit: E&H Production, Sola Entertainment)

Ninja Kamui Episode 4 Recap: A Potential Ally Calls Higan

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Ninja Kamui episode 4 aired on Sunday, March 3, 2024, at 3 a.m. EST on HBO Max. Unlike the previous three episodes, the latest installment focused more on Joe Higan’s backstory. The plot also briefly sheds light on Mike Morris’s unfortunate past as he wakes up to find Emma and Higan by the bedside following the accident in the previous episode.

The episode starts with Higan receiving a mysterious phone call from someone claiming to be a fellow exiled ninja. The ninja, who portrays himself as the protagonist’s ally, takes Higan into confidence by reciting a verse from a traditional ninja poem.

Though the benefactor refuses to reveal their identity, they offer to help Higan infiltrate AUZA’s intricate security system. With that, the mysterious ally hangs up, and the episode shifts to Mike Morris and his backstory.

The episode reveals how Mike lost his daughter while being on a job assignment. Moreover, his wife, being sick of his absence and ridden with grief for their lost daughter, left him. When Morris wakes up, Higan tells him about the mysterious phone call.

Ninja Kamui episode 4 spoilers: Mike and Emma continue investigating AUZA

As Emma verifies the information the mysterious caller gave, she confirms that the caller was right and that there is no way one could break through the organization’s security. However, she digs up some dirt on them through the dark web.

Later, Higan reveals to the FBI agents that ninjas have a certain code to abide by. One such rule is that ninjas must never get attached to their allies. However, Higan and his wife broke the code and chose family.

The episode then takes viewers on a roundtable discussion involving AUZA’s boss, the ninja boss, and various other corporate ninjas under AUZA, including a person called Big D. The intimidating ninja boss soon halts their chitter-chatter by strangling one of the assassins and asking them to hurry up the process of killing Higan while also uncovering the techniques he uses in combat. 

Zai, the Reaper, then appears in the episode, granting permission from the ninja boss to handle Higan. However, his request is denied, and for some reason, the ninja boss is apprehensive about sending Zai to kill Higan.

Ninja Kamui episode 4 ending: Higan meets the Reaper

The episode also delves into Higan’s past. There, three ninjas sit in front of who seems to be their mentor and chant the code of conduct they must abide by. There, they receive their ninja names and a “secret art” that they must not share with anyone.

The three ninjas were Higan, Zai, and Mari, Higan’s wife, who got killed by the corporate ninjas. While on an assignment, Higan and Mari, defying the ninja code, confess their love for each other. Though the episode does not delve any further, it shows that Zai finds Higan and Mari wrapped in each other’s embrace to protect themselves from the cold.

Additionally, the FBI sends Emma back to the HQ, obstructing her help with the ninjas’ case and leaving Morris alone. The episode ends with an anticipated moment. Higan, with the mysterious caller’s help, infiltrates the AUZA city, guiding him through various obstacles. However, just as he is about to cross the barrier, the Reaper, his former ally, Zai, appears out of nowhere, setting the stage for an exciting confrontation.

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