Plan Your October With the Luchagore Horror Movie Calender

Venerable gore collective Luchagore Productions releases their recommends for a horrifying October

Our friends at Mexican/Canadian gore movie studio Luchagore Productions (led by the visionary actress and filmmaker Gigi Saul Guerrero) and the fine folks at the STYD co-sponsored Fantastic CInema and Craft Beer Film Festival have just unleashed a calendar featuring a daily dose of horror movie goodness, counting down ’till the big day on October 31st, Halloween.

Have a look:

Have a horrifying October and, on that tip, if you’re in the Arkansas area, be sure to check out Fantastic Cinema’s Fall program, the Fantastically Horrifying Cinema mini-fest (running October 17th to the 29th), including such solid and strange indie flicks as Jimmy Bickert’s Frankenstein Created Bikers and John Nicol’s Channel Zero.



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