Miskatonic London Announces ‘I Eat Cannibals’ Lecture, Tickets On Sale

The Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies, a totally rad two-city occupying organization offering a series of courses on horror film history and theory has kicked off its London branch and announced details on the second lecture in the series, “I Eat Cannibals: Atavism, Exoticism and Atrocity.” 

Instructed by author Mark Pilkington, “I Eat Cannibals: Atavism, Exoticism and Atrocity” will include a screening of Umberto Lenzi’s influential Man From Deep River, as well as a discussion on cannibal films aiming to “uncover the genre’s roots in the West’s growing interest in environmentalism, atavistic cultures, lost worlds and the perils of the green inferno.”

“I Eat Cannibals” will take place at London’s Horse Hospital (Colonnade, Bloomsbury WC1N 1JD) on the night of February 12th from 7-10 p.m. Entry is £10 advance / £11 on the door.

Miskatonic London previously opened with author and founder Kier-La Janisse’s lecture, “School of Shock: Pain and Pleasure in the Classroom Safety Film.” The course continues through June on the second Thursday of each month under the co-direction of Janisse and Electric Sheep Founder/Editor Virginie Sélavy. Upcoming lectures are as follows: “The Battle of the Sexes: Sado-Masochism in 1960s-70s Cinema,” “Jesús Franco: Shooting at the Speed of Life,” “Engulfed by Nature: Psychological and Supernatural Landscapes” and “London Underground: Death Line.” Instructors include Sélavy, writer and musician Stephen Thrower, writer and filmmaker Jasper Sharp and celebrated author and critic Kim Newman, respectively.

For full details and tickets, visit Miskatonic-London

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