Most people coincide the holidays with a feeling of joy, caring, and giving to others. Those people are clearly in denial about what the holidays truly mean. It’s the time of the year filled with stress, such as the stresses of realizing how broke you are when you can’t afford to buy gifts for anyone, or the stresses of having your entire family gather in one place just so that they can bicker over dinner. The holidays are not fun, and the situation can worsen by whoever is on your guest list. Every family has that one person who you want to avoid at all costs, and then there are the people you pray don’t make it to the annual get-together. The following are the horror characters you definitely wouldn’t want showing up for the holidays.
Those are the top 10 unhinged, psychotic and untrustworthy horror characters you shouldn’t invite to your holiday parties. Who wouldn’t make your invite list?
Terrible Holiday Guests
10 Horror Characters You Don’t Want Home for the Holidays
#10 Mandy Lane
Mandy Lane... All the boys love her. It’s easy to understand why: she’s gorgeous, virginal, and completely out of reach. Sure, she seems like the nice girl you’d want to bring home to mom, but Mandy’s got a devious side to her. She’s the type of person who would smile, be polite to your face, and be plotting something awful behind your back. You can never trust a pretty face. Plus, who the hell wants an attention whore at the family party? Just picture it: Everyone fawning over the beautiful Mandy Lane and how perfect she is while you’re sitting in the corner crying while eating your mashed potatoes. No thanks.
#9 Severen
Severen from Near Dark is just a tad bit crazy, stubborn, and selfish. He likes things to be done his way, and he will do whatever he wants, no matter how much it will hurt someone. One false move while passing the gravy and this guy will be up on top of the table and slicing your neck with his boot spurs. And then there’s going to be blood everywhere for the poor hostess to clean up! No one wants that.
#8 Angela
OK, Angela from Sleepaway Camp isn’t exactly who she/he says she/he is. She’s a little crazy, and completely weird. The loose screws in her head definitely make her someone you wouldn’t want to let your guard down around.
#7 Norman Bates
Norman from Psycho has serious mother issues, and the holidays would definitely make him an emotional wreck. He’d probably spy on people in their bedrooms and definitely try to dress up as the lady of the house to serve you all the turkey dinner. He could snap at any moment and under the stress of the holiday, it’s only a matter of time before he goes a little mad.
#6 Chop Top
One of the brothers in the Sawyer family, Chop Top (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2) calls the shots when he’s with the chainsaw-wielding Leatherface. He looks like an albino with an odd, hard-not-to-notice metal plate in his skull. Plus, he’s got this annoying damn voice that is sure to ruin any quiet evening or decent conversations to be had. This guy would definitely be the oddball at the party that always seems to show up without ever being invited.
#5 Michael Myers
Michael has a little problem with family - he wants everyone in his dead. It’s totally understandable, because sometimes I would like it if certain members of my family were dead. But, who wants to worry about being murdered at the Christmas Yankee Swap? And there’s no talking to Mikey, or calming him down. He always responds with a blank stare, and don’t even get me started on his hair. Just to be safe, don’t invite this guy to anything holiday related - especially Halloween.
#4 Richard Gecko
Richard Gecko and his brother Seth (From Dusk Till Dawn) are total criminals, but Richard is the worst of the two. Richard has a little bit of a problem controlling himself, especially around women, and he often becomes unhinged at any given situation. The guy is delusional and would probably dream up an entire fantasy relationship with you after you handed him the salt at dinner.
#3 Otis Firefly
Otis (House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects) is a loudmouth know-it-all with a serious mean streak. He can have his funny, almost witty moments too, but a majority of the time he’s thinking about how the situation can be better for his own sake. If it came down to you and him in a battle for the last drumstick on the turkey, he’d slice your throat in a second without even batting an eye. After all, he is the devil, and he’s there to do the devil’s work.
#2 Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal is an extremely likeable and easy going person. He’s not one of those people that show his weirdness on the outside; he’s the type of person that you could actually be friends with. Even if he’s telling you about something horrible he’s done to you, he does so in a soothing, almost respectable manner. That being said, this dude has a weird appetite and he will serve you his unconventional meals without making sure that you actually wanted to try his recipes. If Hannibal is invited to the holiday party, you can expect him to bring a dish of liver with fava beans, and that is not cool.
#1 Marie
Marie from High Tension is the worst house guest in the history of house guests. This broad will pretend to be your best friend while secretly pining over you, and then she will murder your entire family so that you two can be together. Oh, and she wouldn’t have any recollection of doing so because her other personality would have committed the crime. If Marie shows up at the family party there is almost a 90% chance that she will try to murder everyone there. If you see her walk through the front door, don’t be fooled by her smile and small frame - run far away from this girl!