The story centers on Daniel and Marie. Daniel, an ambitious real estate agent, has a glamorous remote country house to sell. Marie is the boss’s wife. They decide to use the house for a sexy getaway weekend. What they don’t account for is George, the charming but intense Polish handyman, who turns up unannounced. And George is about to teach them a brutal lesson.
Dark Water was directed by Rafael Edholm and written by Edholm, Björn Olofsson and Daga Lamy. The film stars Helena af Sandeberg, Sverrir Gudnason and renowned Polish actor Andrzej Chyra. The movie was produced by HP Lundh and Daniella Elmqvist Prah for Holding Hands Production AB. Scandinavian distribution is handled by Svensk Filmindustri.
You can watch a trailer for the film by clicking here.