Starship Troopers, based on a novel by Robert Heinlein, was once adapted by Paul Verhoeven. His film spun off direct-to-DVD sequels, a cartoon series, toys and an upcoming animated movie. Jaffe tells Empire, the new film will likely not be as violent as Verhoeven’s vision.
“The more expensive a film is, the harder it is now to make it that violent,” Jaffe told the site. “With [Total] Recall in particular, we made a conscious choice to keep it tonally closer to something like Minority Report. It gives the studio, and us as producers, the opportunity to reintroduce it in a new way.”
Jaffe adds that the new Starship Troopers will be more “grounded” (a key word with so many reboots these days). What got us excited, however, was his mention of the “jump suits” – featured in Heinlein’s book. “Working in a visual-efects renaissance as we are, we have the ability to do so much more now. We can do the Jump Suits [armoured exoskeletons from Heinlein’s novel], for example, which I don’t think they could have done before.”
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