A Prometheus Trailer is Coming and This is the Footage It Might Have

Early report of what’s to come?

This fan site for Ridley Scott’s upcoming Prometheus apparently caught on to a Twitter feed where the account holder – named Chris – was “tweeting” his thoughts on an early Prometheus trailer.

Apparently, Chris’ theater in Denver had a Nielson kiosk where he was able to get a glimpse of a preview. He ultimately broke from Twitter and wrote in to the fan site with the following report:

“It was nearly 2 minutes long and looked fairly polished and complete. It was using a temp track for music and the trailer was VERY similar to the original teaser for ALIEN the way is was cut together. Quick shot after another. Had a couple a lines of dialog I think but is was hard to hear since my lobby was a bit noisy.

The planet they showed in the trailer looked nothing like original one where the derelict was crashed. It was sunny and desert like in appearance. The space suits the characters were wearing were VERY similar to the original suits worn by the crew of the Nostromo. The interior shots of their ship looked clean and not used like the the NOSTROMO did. It was all new and shiny looking. I did not see an exterior shot of the derelict ship but there were some really quick shots of the inside like the jockey, another room that looked like were the jockey was but without it, the room with the eggs but there were no eggs in it. There were some quick shots of the crew walking in the same “halls” that Kane and Dallas walked in as well in the derelict ship. But these things were hitting the screen so fast, it was hard to process all the information. Some of the crew look were in medical/cryo-tubes with something moving in their abdomens not their chests. Their eyes also appeared to be completely black and the faces altered I think. The end of the trailer ended with the title forming much like the ALIEN title did in the original movie at the top of the screen.”

The rest of the report is Chris speculating when and where the “aliens” might pop up in the final film. But again, that’s just speculation. Good to hear a trailer is on the way, however!

Source: Prometheus-Movie

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