Gather ‘Round the Scream Queen Campfire

New series in the works

A new horror series is entering the webisode pipeline for a Halloween 2010 debut.

Jonathan Moody is at work on Scream Queen Campfire, an anthology series with five Scream Queens spinning 10 different horror stories around a campfire. You know, because listening to a tale from anyone else, like John Houseman, just wouldn’t be as stimulating.

Two installments are already in the can: “Screwdriver” written and directed by Jonathan Moody and starring Rachel Grubb, Matt Francis, and Terry Jernigan; and “The Closet” written by Jonathan Moody and Terry Jernigan, directed by Terry Jernigan, and starring Devanny Pinn, Jonathan Moody, Brittany Daniels, and the voice of Terry Jernigan.

A website isn’t up yet, but Moody has secured – so keep an eye on that spot, as well as their Facebook page, for more.

Source: Shock Till You Drop

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