Twitter Gives Way to Killer Green

Screenwriter inspired by social networking site

Social networking continues to influence filmmakers. Ambergris Films LLC announced the optioning of a screenplay that has its roots in the popular online social network Twitter.

Killer Green mixes “cultural icons such as diners and serial killers with news ripped from the headlines such as bio-diesel cars and the unscrupulous practices of outlaw doctors.” The idea was hatched by screenwriter David Niall Wilson who was inspired by a conversation struck up on the social network.

Wilson’s novels include “Maelstrom,” “Sins of the Flash,” “Star Trek Voyager: Chrysalis,” the Dark Ages Vampire clan novel “Lasombra,” among others.

Since the idea was born on Twitter, Wilson typed the script in scenes and promoted each scene with his account. Each scene was published on his website under a Creative Commons license and broadcast to the Twitter Community. The following grew. After the completion of the screenplay, Wilson signed an option with Ambergris Films LLC.

Nearly every part of the deal was transacted via Twitter, save for the signing of contracts. Pre-production started on the project in June. Many notable Twitter users donated their names to the screenplay, including Internet marketing gurus Chris Brogan and Greg Verdino.

For more info, visit Ambergris Films.

Source: Ambergris Films

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