Fuller: Fans Altered Friday the 13th Opening

Haters listen up…

Platinum Dunes is a production company caught in the crosshairs of horror fan criticism. And whether the fans volleying jabs about PD’s film output know it or not, producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form are watching the comment boards.

On the set of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Dunes’ latest remake, Fuller explained how fan criticism swayed their decision on how to approach the opening of Friday the 13th which hits DVD today.

“We did not have Mama Voorhees in the movie when we tested it,”Fuller said. “That’s because we felt it wasn’t shot in the way it needed to be shot and we didn’t know how to get it into the movie. Then when we tested the movie and the outcry online that she wasn’t in the movie was so loud that it forced us to re-look at what we were doing and it forced us to put that scene in the beginning. And I think the movie is better for it. We pay attention a lot.”

He adds that he’s fully aware that there is plenty of unchecked hatred on the web. If they pick up on pervasive constructive criticism, however, they will listen. “There is a lot of negativity no matter what we’re doing. On some level the criticism can be helpful. Haters are haters and sometimes it’s very difficult to get to the bottom of what they are hating.”

Fuller admits he is trying to skirt the comment boards while in principal photography on A Nightmare on Elm Street and has never let complaints affect their decision on a project before they’ve even begun the development process like the now-dead Rosemary’s Baby. “The reason doesn’t come from a level of arrogance. Who ever’s criticizing Rosemary’s Baby – I’m saying Rosemary’s Baby but we’re not doing that movie – they haven’t read [writer] Scott Kosar’s script which is called The Sacrifice . They can criticize something they know nothing about, that doesn’t resonate with me. It’s where they go after us personally and say we just doing it for the money. That only bothers me because if I really want to make money I’d be making bigger budgeted movies by this point. With our track record we could make movies that have a bigger return for our company. We make horror movies primarily because we love them. That’s the choice that we made.”.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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