Reminder: Midnight Shock Screenings at the New Beverly!

We’re programming a monthly event

My first experience at the New Beverly Cinema (7165 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles) was a double-feature of Dr. Butcher M.D. and Cannibal Ferox. Movie-going was never really the same after that jaunt about six years ago or so and since my raucous introduction to the Bev, it has increased in popularity attracting guest programmers and rare prints (hell, they just had a Dolph Lundgren fest). needed to get in on the fun.

In conjunction with the Beverly’s Phil Blankenship, we’re happy to announce will be hosting midnight screenings of some of our favorite horror films one night out of the month. The theater already brings its fair share of atmosphere, but we’re going to do our best to make each screening an event with giveaways and guests.

Here’s a peek at the first two films we’ll be presenting in this month and in June. These are indeed prints we’re showing, not DVD projections. The first film I hold very near and dear to my heart (I’ve got a die-cast replica of the hellish vehicle). The second is a classic in my book…come wearing a pig mask!

The Car (1977) Friday, May 15th @ 11:59pm

Motel Hell (1980) Friday, June 12th @ 11:59pm

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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