Who Are The Taken?

Watch the trailer and find out…

Another trailer debut from the indie horror film front today, this time from Valentine Entertainment. The company recently completed The Taken – and no, Liam Neeson isn’t in it kicking everyone’s ass to find his daughter. Written and directed by Richard Valentine, the film is described as a mix of Saw and Seven.

Synopsis: Six strangers, taken against their will, wake up to find themselves prisoners of a masked Psychopath. One by one the abductees are ripped from their restraints and hauled away, only to fall victim to their captor’s demented experiments. But, just when you think it’s game over for his victims, they are offered a cruel chance of escape. Now free from their confines, the remaining captives must venture out into the endless labyrinth of corridors and find a way out before the madman can bring them under his scalpel.

Watch the trailer below!

“The Taken” Trailer from Valentine Entertainment on Vimeo.

Source: Official Site

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