Henriksen, Moseley, Shepis Enlist for Godkiller

“Illustrated film” based on the comic book

Lance Henriksen, Bill Moseley, Tiffany Shepis, Justin Pierre (singer of Motion City Soundtrack), Lydia Lunch (Richard Kern’s “Hardcore Collection”), and Davey Havok (singer of A.F.I.) have signed on for the “illustrated film” adaptation “Godkiller,” written and directed by filmmaker Matt Pizzolo based on the comic book he created with illustrator Anna Muckcracker.

Producer Halo-8 Entertainment will unveil a preview clip at Comic-Con International’s Wondercon in San Francisco during the “Indie Film and Comics” panel on Saturday February 28, 2009.

The “illustrated film” Pizzolo is creating for the adaption mixes elements of anime, radio drama, video games, and motion comics. Utilizing the original artwork from the comic book, the “illustrated film” adds motion animation, visual effects, elaborate sound design, music, and voice-acting performances.

Halo-8 intends to release limited-edition, serialized, short-form DVDs through the spring and summer before releasing the full-length feature theatrically in fall 2009.

“I’m astonished and excited by the incredible talents who’ll be joining us to bring these characters to life. We want to create something really cool and unique and different from everything else out there… it’s truly humbling to have such accomplished collaborators on the team,” says Pizzolo.

“Godkiller” takes place in a dark-future after economic collapse, after nuclear holy war, and after Earth is colonized by alien races. Tommy and his kid sister Lucy live in an orphanage in one of the few remaining city-states, but Lucy is critically ill and desperately in need of a new heart. Tommy’s odyssey to find a new heart for his sister begins when he follows an organ-stealing prostitute named Halfpipe out of the city-state and into the savage borderland known as Outer City.

Pizzolo and Halo-8 are currently putting together a team for the “illustrated film” based on his comic book “How I Lost My Virginity – By Alexandra Jones,” as well as other titles Halo-8 has in development.

Source: Halo-8

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