Star Wars Turns to Horror!

Deathtroopers coming this Halloween

George Lucas’ powerhouse property is switching gears to another kind of “dark side.” Shock is stepping well outside of its normal coverage with this one, because we’ve never covered novels and Star Wars is, well, cool and all, but not within our genre. But when someone does merge horror with the SW universe, I think it’s good reason to break our usual coverage habits.

Apparently it’s been rumored for some time that author Joe Schreiber was penning a Star Wars “expanded universe” horror novel entitled “Deathtroopers.” Then, the below artwork (embracing a very Hellraiser-esque approach) popped up this week at and Schreiber further confirmed his participation via his blog:

“I’m going to be writing a Star Wars horror novel for Lucasfilm, to be released in November of 2009. And although I’ve been specifically asked not to talk about the content of the book, I can tell you that A) It’s going to be very scary and B) It’s hopefully going to be released on the same day that my original horror novel The Black Wing comes out. I’m thrilled (to death, obviously) to have this opportunity, and almost as thrilled to tell you about it.”

The Pennsylvania-based Schreiber also penned the novels “Chase the Dead” and “Eat the Dark.”

Source:, Joe Schreiber

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