Nike Horror Line Faces Release Woes

The pics are out, but good luck finding the shoes

A fashionista and daily Shock reader has been keeping us updated on Nike’s proposed “horror line” of sneakers and it appears other sites are catching on to the photos that have been online for months now.

Here’s the low-down: Essentially, Nike was fixing to release a line of horror sneakers based on A Nightmare on Elm Street (pictured below), Dawn of the Dead, Friday the 13th and The Exorcist.

If you see this story, which is dated July of 2007, the sneaks were supposed to come out in October/November of last year, but Nike ran into legal difficulties and the line was put on hold in North America.

No word yet if we’ll ever see these in stores, but an exhaustive search (an some serious dough) in various online auction sites may get a pair on your feet. You can find pics of the The Exorcist line here and the Dawn of the Dead trainers here. Most recently, Mizzee Customs posted a look at a pair of custom Friday the 13 Dunks here.

Source: Micheline, Kicks on Fire

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