Fox has ordered a sixth season of “American Dad,” the animated series featuring security-obsessed CIA agent and devoted family man Stan Smith (Seth MacFarlane). Recently honored with an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Animated Program, “American Dad” airs Sundays (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on Fox.
The series continues to follow the twisted trials and tribulations of die-hard Republican and card-carrying NRA member Stan Smith and his hilariously odd family in Langley Falls, VA. Stan’s not-so-smart wife Francine(Wendy Schaal) has an unfaltering loyalty that allows her to turn a blind eye toward Stan’s unabashed arrogance. Stan constantly butts heads with his 18-year-old daughter Hayley (Rachael MacFarlane), who knows just how to push her father’s buttons by being liberal in both her beliefs and in the number of hippie boyfriends she chooses to date. Hayley’s 14-year-old brother is the geeky yet cocky Steve (Scott Grimes), a kid who seems to be on the constant verge of puberty but can’t quite make sense of the opposite sex. The Smith household is rounded out by two rather unconventional members: Roger (Seth MacFarlane), the selfish and sarcastic space alien who lives in the attic and drinks like it’s always happy hour, and Klaus (Dee Bradley Baker), an attention-starved goldfish with the brain of a German guy who is always willing to vocalize his opinions even if no one is listening.
“American Dad” is a 20th Century Fox Television production co-created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman. MacFarlane, Barker and Weitzman serve as executive producers alongside Rick Wiener and Kenny Schwartz.