I saw Tim Burton‘s Big Eyes yesterday and what an uninspired mess it is. Burton clearly can’t go mainstream as his Burtonisms try so hard to shine through at every turn and, in fact, are the best parts of the movie. But watching Christoph Waltz restrain himself as each and every scene goes through the motions… ugh, what a waste of time. Walking out I said to someone, “It’s amazing how uninspired this movie was considering its focus on what inspires artists.”
However, the Weinsteins are going to do what they can to get a nomination out if it any way they can and Lana Del Rey‘s title song may be their only chance as I don’t see Waltz or Amy Adams scoring a nomination, but the song just might. Today the studio released the following “lyric video”, offering a snippet of the full song for you to preview.
[yt id=”uhc_FaG-83s” width=”500″]