What I Watched, What You Watched #257

I had a much busier week than last with movies, beginning with Into the Storm, Calvary and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in theaters, and I’ve already reviewed all three of those.

I also watched the first couple episodes of “The Knick“, which I reviewed and commented on here. Then last night I watched, for the first time, Alfonso Cuaron‘s Great Expectations, which I did not think was any good, followed by Ben Stiller‘s Reality Bites, which was nice little film. The one thing I noticed, however, watching Reality Bites is how much Keira Knightley‘s acting style was pretty much taken directly from Winona Ryder. I wonder if that was a conscious thing or if it’s just coincidence, because try watching that movie and not seeing Knightley in pretty much every single thing Ryder does.

Other than that, not much to share. I’m about half-way through “Ready Player One“, which is essentially the male equivalent of something like “The Hunger Games”, but an interesting enough read. I also finished reading Chris Pavone‘s “The Accident“, the second book of his I’ve read, “The Expats” being the other, and both are pretty much airport fiction, but fun, quick reads.

And with that, I guess I leave it up to you. What did you watch this week and any of you read anything of particular interest?

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