Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, best known as the comedic duo behind Comedy Central’s “Key & Peele” sketch comedy show, have a couple things going on outside their television show such as a project they’re developing with Judd Apatow at Universal and cameo roles in FX’s upcoming “Fargo“, but now they’re traveling down a path I’d prefer they’d run from.
The Wrap reports the duo are working with New Line Cinema to once again tackle the Police Academy franchise with Jeremy Garelick (The Break-Up) penning the screenplay.
The key here, however, is Key and Peele aren’t, at least not currently, set to star in the film. Their only attachment as of now is as producers, which seems to suggest New Line is merely hoping to trade off the duo’s name recognition and little else. Well, I guess they’d probably throw a few story ideas out there, but when it comes to Police Academy I’m not sure what there really is to do, though I expect the 21 Jump Street films will become something of a model for how it’s handled, at least the opening scenes and especially the bike cops moment.
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