20th Century Fox isn’t going to let the other studios to take up all the future release dates for their franchise projects as they decided to announce release dates for several upcoming movies in one fell swoop.
First we have Josh Trank‘s The Fantastic Four, which was already set for a June 19, 2015 release, but they’ve also gone ahead and dated The Fantastic Four 2 coming to theaters on July 14, 2017. The franchise will feature Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Bell in the lead heroic roles.
Next is the as-yet Untitled Wolverine Sequel, which has now been announced for a March 3, 2017 release and is expected to bring James Mangold back to the director’s chair and while there is speculation as to whether Hugh Jackman will return, I think we all expect him to.
Wolverine 2 will therefore follow this year’s release of X-Men: Days of Future Past (5/23) and 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse, but Fox also announced a July 18, 2018 release date for a Marvel movie, which has yet to be revealed. Speculation is it’s the X-Force film Jeff Wadlow (Kick-Ass 2) is believed to be directing.
Next, Taken 3 will hit theaters on January 9, 2015 with Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace returning.
Then there’s a mystery Ridley Scott film set for March 4, 2016. Could it be Prometheus 2?
The studio also delayed Paul McGuigan‘s Frankenstein starring Daniel Radcliffe as Igor to October 2, 2015.
Fox also moved Matthew Vaughn‘s The Secret Service from March 6, 2015 to October 24 with Ken Scott‘s new comedy, previously known as Business or Pleasure but now untitled, to the March 6, 2015 date.