Watch a New ‘RoboCop’ Remake International Trailer

A new international trailer for the upcoming RoboCop remake has arrived, offering new footage from the film starring Joel Kinnaman as Alex Murphy, a Detroit police officer who gets critically injured in the line of duty and the only way to save him is to turn him into a half-man, half-robot, thus becoming RoboCop.

I’ve already expressed my lack of interest in the film even though I agree with some commenters the idea of Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman and Samuel L. Jackson as members of the supporting cast is intriguing, the only one of those three I can see bringing anything actually “new” to the proceedings is Keaton. Then there’s Michael K. Williams, whom I’d prefer to see as RoboCop and I get the feeling Abbie Cornish‘s role will be diminished to the mournful, then frightened, wife.

Add to all that the PG-13 rating and the way Hollywood loves to take a talented new director such as Jose Padilha (Elite Squad) and turn them into a puppet just has me looking at this one a little cross-eyed. Oh, and that February 12 release date doesn’t help matters much either.

But hey, some of you are more optimistic than I am. For you, I offer this new trailer.

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