What I Watched, What You Watched #169

It has been a long Thanksgiving week for me and I am just getting back into full swing of things, which is to say my movie input this week was limited to only two films so far, though today I’ll be sitting down with McCabe & Mrs. Miller in preparation for tomorrow’s Movie Club discussion, which I am really looking forward to.

As for the two films I watched this week, both were screeners, the first of which was the Michael Jackson documentary Bad 25, which was a rewatch after I saw and loved it in Toronto. Interestingly enough, while I absolutely fell for this film on the big screen, on my mother’s tiny television on Thanksgiving night it simply doesn’t have the same effect as the massive screens at Toronto’s Scotiabank cinemas. My sister, however, a major MJ fan, was (as predicted) crying while we watched, which tells me the doc still does hold that impact on people and really manages to hit home emotionally.

Secondly I was happy to introduce The Perks of Being a Wallflower to my family and fiancee and they all loved it. I will say the cliches hit a little harder the second time around, but the narrative progresses so well and I thought Steven Chbosky’s directorial decision making was so spot on, focusing on what’s important more than what’s flashy or melodramatic, turns this one into a film worthy of being on a list of the year’s best.

Otherwise, for me it was lots of football, family and food. How about you?

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