‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Behind the Scenes: Building Sets and Blowing Up Football Fields

Someone has gotten their hands on the Blu-ray for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, clipped out some of the behind-the-scenes special features and compiled them into one 11-minute video set to Hans Zimmer’s score and the result is a montage featuring time-lapse set building videos, visual effects breakdowns and some other nonsense that will certainly make more sense when you click on a menu item on the Blu-ray.

However, the first 4:30 minutes are pretty self-explanatory and beginning at the 5:24 mark you can see how they layered the effects to create the explosion on the football field. Otherwise it’s a look at concept art, costume design and props from the film.

The Dark Knight Rises hits DVD and Blu-ray on December 4 and is available in part of a trilogy collection, Blu-ray or DVD. Click any of those links to preorder a copy.

[via The Playlist]

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