Movie Club Reminder: Steven Spielberg’s ‘The Sugarland Express’

Considering the conversation after the first three Movie Club entries has already shown a steady decline I thought I would get the reminder out a little earlier this week.

We will be discussing Steven Spielberg‘s debut feature film The Sugarland Express on Monday, November 5 and hopefully many of you will have taken the time to watch it and join in the conversation.

The film was released in 1974 and stars Goldie Hawn, William Atherton and Ben Johnson and is based on true events that took place in May of 1969. The story, as told in the film, follows a young couple, one just released from jail, the other with four months left in pre-release, who hijack a police cruiser on their way to getting their son back and out of foster care.

Spielberg would follow this film up with Jaws and his career would never be the same from that point on.

If you have not yet watched The Sugarland Express you can visit the Movie Club homepage where I have links where you can purchase it from Amazon or rent it from Netflix.

I am also taking questions and topics for discussion that can be emailed to [email protected]. Along with a few thoughts from myself on Monday, I will present a few questions and topics to get the conversation started and any input you would like to add in advance is certainly welcome.

I have included the Club rules and information below as well as the poll for the next title to be added for discussion. As of the posting of this reminder Robert Altman’s McCabe & Mrs. Miller is winning over Mike Nichols’ Catch-22 as the English-language features continue to be the preferred choices. Next week, however, don’t expect any films in English to be on the poll.


Movie Club discussions begin every Monday at 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST.


Movie Club articles will be posted like any other article. They will be added to the homepage and will always be visible on the RopeofSilicon Movie Club homepage.


The RopeofSilicon Movie Club is set up to mimic your standard book club, a place to come and explore themes, questions, etc. regarding the movie of that week along with your thoughts on the movie overall, the performances, direction and whatever else caught your attention. I will post a few thoughts of my own along with questions and topics to start the conversation and you are more than welcome to email in questions and topics of your own to [email protected].


I will do my best to come up with a selection of questions and topics to discuss for each title, but I also invite you to submit questions and topics as well. You can do so by emailing me at [email protected]. This way I can compile and track the questions easily and make sure you’re continually involved not to mention, you’ll probably be able to come up with even better questions than me.


The rules are simple and, if necessary, will update as we go along.

  1. No topic is off limits as long as it pertains to the movie of the week or comes as a natural progression of the conversation.
  2. Keep your comments to a reasonable length. I know the urge to write a lot at once is there, but try to rein it in and get out one thought at a time. That way the conversation will move more fluidly and make sure none of your thoughts are overlooked.
  3. NO BULLYING: This is important, while you are free to disagree, do so in a mature manner. Hopefully I won’t have to explain that any further.
  4. Suggestions for future Movie Club titles must be emailed to [email protected]. Comments on actual Movie Club articles pertaining to future discussions and not the film being discussed will be deleted to make sure we remain on topic.


The schedule of upcoming films will always be listed at the top of the RopeofSilicon Movie Club homepage with links on where to find and watch the upcoming movies and get more information on each.

Additionally, at the bottom of the article for each week’s Club selection will be a poll where you will vote to determine the next week’s title out of a list of five potential movies. These movies will be selected by myself, but I will also be taking suggestions, which you can also send in to [email protected].


Use the following poll to vote for the November 26, 2012 Movie Club selection and to suggest films for future entries direct all your emails to [email protected].

And that about does it. If you have any more questions about the club feel free to ask away, otherwise I will see you here on Monday for our first gathering and hopefully it will be a successful one. Book clubs are typically limited to only a few people, but hopefully this club will continue to grow and grow as the number of people that can be involved is limitless.

Movie News
Marvel and DC