What I Watched, What You Watched #164

It’s been a bit of a light week for me in terms of movie watching outside the theater as other responsibilities have kept me busy. I have, so far, managed to watch an hour of Sunday Bloody Sunday, which comes out on Criterion Blu-ray this coming Tuesday and last night I ended up watching Easy A with a group of friends and family on FX. Other than that, it was a weekend all about football… so far.

I hope to not only finish Sunday Bloody Sunday today, but also watch sex, lies and videotape for next Monday’s Movie Club discussion.

Tomorrow we are discussing Ang Lee’s The Ice Storm and I spent a solid couple of hours yesterday preparing the article for that discussion, which I hope just as many of you will participate in if not more than participated in the 74 comments, with one commenter supplying a couple of new and interesting bits just yesterday.

So, with that, did any of you watch The Ice Storm in preparation? It looks like Martin Scorsese’s The King of Comedy will be the movie discussed on November 12 and don’t forget, we also have Steven Spielberg’s Sugarland Express on the upcoming docket.

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