What I Watched, What You Watched #163

This week was great for movie watching in that I’ve been able to write about what I’ve been watching as I watched it with the Universal Classic Monsters Collection. So, as you already know, I watched The Invisible Man, The Phantom of the Opera and Creature from the Black Lagoon, each of which I already wrote up and you can click on each title if you missed any of those write ups.

I did also watch Picnic at Hanging Rock a second time in preparation for tomorrow’s RopeofSilicon Movie Club discussion, which I have already written up and wow, I had a lot to say and am going to try and edit it down a bit before tomorrow.

Then, last night, I watched about an hour of Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood for Love on Criterion’s latest Blu-ray release and I will hopefully be finishing that today and writing about it later this coming week. I will say this, that is a film made for high definition, absolutely lovely cinematography.

Finally, the only reason I watched just an hour of In the Mood for Love and not the full thing is because we made the decision to turn it off and watch “Saturday Night Live” last night. Is it just me or is that show awful this year so far? They can’t even find a way to make the political jokes funny. It’s a shame, because in election years that show normally thrives, but no such luck this year.

Otherwise, I am about to turn on a little football and enjoy my Sunday and I open the floor to you, what did you watch this week? With so many films in theaters did you make it to the cinema?

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