Trailer for ‘The Shining’ Theories Doc ‘Room 237’ Offers Little

IFC Films recently launched the official website for Room 237 documentary which takes a look at Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining with various theories on the hidden themes within the film. Theories include ideas that the film is actually a commentary on the Holocaust, the genocide of the American Indian and Kubrick’s his involvement in the faking of the moon landing and that’s just half of it. The one detail missing from the official site, however, is an official release date and a new trailer for the film doesn’t offer one either, or much else for that matter.

IFC lists the film as a 2013 release and that’s about it as I have to assume the film is going to have plenty of trouble getting rights from Warner Bros. for all territories as it virtually includes over 50%, if not more, of Kubrick’s The Shining.

I have to believe they’ll get it sorted out at some point, but this new trailer seems to imply not much has been solved yet as not a single second of footage from the documentary is shown. Instead, all you hear are voices from the theorists in the film and some text over the chatter. Even the opening disclaimer seems proof they are having enough trouble not only with WB, but the Kubrick estate as well.

I saw the movie in Cannes earlier this year and in my review called it a “fun, often ridiculous, documentary [that explores] the labyrinth that is The Shining [which] is certainly proven not to be a straight line.”

You can read my full review here and check out this early trailer below.

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