Don’t Watch Any Trailers for ‘Silver Linings Playbook’

Ugh, I feel the marketing is going to ruin this film for people that actually like movies, though it should also prove successful in getting general audience asses into the seats. The best way to see Silver Linings Playbook is simply to see it, don’t watch the trailers. Go in not knowing what to expect, forget the love and adulation for the film out of Toronto, forget everything. Just see the movie.

Below is the latest trailer for the film and I present it purely for those of you unwilling to heed my advice. I know it is damn close to hypocrisy to post a trailer after telling you not to watch it and perhaps a sign that I don’t stand by my convictions. To that I say, I can’t prevent you from watching it so why not, at the very least, present it here and if you do watch it allow you to vent in the comments below?

If that’s your goal, vent away, if not, just wait until it hits theaters on November 21 and be one of the few to enjoy it without any preconceptions… Trust me, you’ll be happy you did.

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