What I Watched, What You Watched #159

I didn’t do a “What I Watched” column last weekend, primarily because everything I was watching I was sharing with you as fast as I possibly could. But now I’m back home from Toronto and it’s time to get back to the routine, but I have a little wrinkle I am planning on adding very soon.

I’m continuing to try to think of new things to build the sense of community here on RopeofSilicon and also ways to get us talking about older movies rather than always focusing on the new ones. So, while in Toronto, I got to thinking and came to a relatively obvious solution… start a RopeofSilicon Movie Club. It would work very much in the same way as a book club in that a movie would be selected for us to watch each week and every Monday we would discuss a new movie.

My thought was we would begin in about a month and I would offer up the first month’s worth of films, but on the first weekend I would also run a poll at the end of each week’s discussion for the film to watch one month from that time. That way everyone has a month to rent each title, watch it and hopefully have enough time to prepare for the discussion each week. What do you think?

As for the reason I included the Blu-ray art for the upcoming release of the Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures, one of the treasures I arrived home to was a review copy of the box set and last night I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark and hope to watch at least the next three and some of the bonus features over the next couple of days so I can have a review ready for Tuesday, once it hits shelves.

The coming week will, however, have me very busy with screenings as well with screenings of Trouble with the Curve, End of Watch and Pitch Perfect over the first three days of the week. I’m also considering a trek to the theater at midnight on Thursday to see Dredd seeing how Laremy liked it when he saw it in Toronto and my expectations couldn’t be much lower so it could manage to end up a nice surprise.

Otherwise, your turn. What do you think of the Movie Club idea? What did you watch this week? Any of you get to see The Master? If so, don’t only add your thoughts here, but leave your thoughts in the comments on my review as well.

Movie News
Marvel and DC