Clip from ‘Dredd 3D’ Presents Rote Dialogue

The Annapurna Dredd 3D on Friday, September 7 at the Toronto Film Festival. It wasn’t really a tough decision as I was leaning that way to begin with, but I haven’t seen anything from Dredd yet that would lead me to believe I’m making the wrong decision and this stiff new clip from the film doesn’t help much either.

Here Olivia Thirlby, playing Cassandra Anderson, lays her character on the table in 27 seconds and she’s saying nothing of importance. If this is the kind of footage Lionsgate is choosing to use to sell the film then there can’t be much for me. If instead of creating characters they have asked actors to explain their characters than you can pretty much count me out.

While I’m sure there will be plenty of bloodshed, mayhem, guns blasting and so forth, this is the kind of thing that drags a film like this down. I may try and catch it when I get back from Toronto if they screen it in Seattle before its September 21 release date, but considering Lionsgate has done their best to shun our Emerald City by not screening The Expendables 2 or The Possession as of late I’m not holding my breath.

A new adaptation centered on the character Judge Joe Dredd created by writer John Wagner and artist Carlos Ezquerra from the British science fiction anthology “2000 AD”. The story centers on Dredd, an American law enforcement officer in a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury and executioner. Dredd and his fellow Judges are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot.

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