Watch: Trailer for ‘Butter’

I saw Butter last year at the Toronto Film Festival and loved it. The film is a political satire using a butter sculpting competition in Iowa to poke fun at 2008’s political race between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. Of course, Jennifer Garner‘s performance had people mistaking her as a comparison to Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin, but I give kudos to director Jim Field Smith for not portraying things as too on-the-nose and dying her hair blond and asking her to take her vocals to lower depths.

Along with Garner the film co-stars Rob Corddry, Ashley Greene, Ty Burrell, Alicia Silverstone, Hugh Jackman, Olivia Wilde and Yara Shahidi and is set for a limited theatrical release on October 5, following its Video On Demand premiere on September 7.

The film will obviously attempt to take advantage of Election Day on Tuesday, November 6, but I get the feeling it will largely be overlooked. I know I wasn’t among the minority in praising the film out of Toronto, but, like I said, I loved it. You can check out the trailer below and read my full review from last year here.

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