What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #156

As I’m sure many of you have noticed, there have been a few changes around these parts in the last 24 hours. Hopefully they’re changes you approve of, but we’ll get to more of that tomorrow. For now it’s business as usual and a brief look at what I watched when I wasn’t watching a computer screen trying to get everything put together for the redesign you’re looking at now.

The poster included is a dead giveaway, but I did watch (about half of) Bachelorette, which my girlfriend rented from On Demand over the weekend after reading Kevin’s article about how great it was doing On Demand and hitting the #1 spot on the iTunes Top Movies chart. Since I didn’t watch the whole thing (only because I was buys with the redesign) I can’t review it, but I can tell you it’s a solid raunchy comedy with a lot of laughs and with great comedic performances from Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher and Lizzy Caplan. Watching Dunst all I could think of is how much fun it must be for an actor to get a role like that, where they can just get completely unhinged with a character.

My assumption as to why they went the On Demand route rather than beginning in theaters, where the film will go next starting September 7, is due to what would definitely be comparisons to Bridesmaids. The comparison is somewhat valid as we are talking about relatively similar themes, but this is a very funny film in its own right and far raunchier than Bridesmaids. But with the On Demand release they get a chance to offer easy accessibility, even to those that might look at it as another Bridesmaids and wouldn’t necessarily rush to the theater, but now with over $500,000 under its belt after just last weekend, the buzz should start getting louder and maybe it will do well in theaters. We’ll see soon enough.

Other than that, I was able to get in about 20 minutes of the third film in Hiroshi Inagaki‘s Samurai Trilogy, which I have been talking about for something like three weeks now, but the redesign has taken up most of my time so I’ve been having to fit things in wherever and whenever I can.

So, with that, I leave the rest to you. What did you watch this past week and this weekend? Share your thoughts on what you saw on television, in theaters or wherever.

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