What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #153

Throughout this last week I’ve continued reading Peter Biskind‘s [amazon asin=”0684857081″ text=”Easy Riders, Raging Bulls”] whenever I’ve had the time, but as far as what I actually watched it was a lot of television to be honest.

Each week I always watch “Hell’s Kitchen” and “Master Chef” and on the recommendation of several friends I decided to give “Top Chef Masters” a chance, which I enjoyed, but still prefer “Master Chef” as I would rather watch amateurs excel than watch professionals fail and/or disappoint. I also watched the first couple of episodes of “Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season One” on Blu-ray. I can’t tell you the last time I watched the show, only remembering not liking it too much. I remain a skeptic, but I wasn’t hating what I saw.

I appreciated how “TNG” maintained a certain level of camp, which was always one of the charms about the original “Star Trek” series, but there is something about it that still rubs me the wrong way. I think it’s the campy nature of the story mixed with the improved set design. The two don’t necessarily jibe, but this is a bit of a nitpick and after only two episodes I don’t think I can come to a concrete conclusion.

This weekend I was also hoping to watch the Danish comedy Klown, but still haven’t been able to make time. I expect I’ll get to it soon enough as people have been talking it up quite a bit, but it continues to elude me.

Otherwise, I’ve been going through the survey results you provided and I’m putting together a piece that will address your likes, dislikes, concerns and everything else you brought up when it comes to what you can expect from the upcoming redesign. From what I gathered I have a pretty good feeling I hit on all the right things when it came to my approach for what ended up being a year-long development process, but I still want to share my plans so we are all on the same track and you know what to expect.

The changes aren’t dramatic as I’d say they are more in terms of functionality and speed, but there are a few things I want to be sure you are aware of so it doesn’t come as an overall shock.

As of now, I’ve moved up my timeline and I think I’ll be launching the new design on August 25 so I have a little time to work out any potential kinks before I head to Toronto. But stay tuned, and if you aren’t following the site on Facebook be sure to head over there as I have been sharing bits and pieces of what to expect on the timeline there and am open to any and all comments.

That said, what did you watch this past week or do you have anything else you’d like to discuss?

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