Weekend Box-Office: ‘Dark Knight’ Rises Over Weekend and Channing Tatum has 3 $100 Million Earners

After a big Friday dip, The Dark Knight Rises enjoyed a solid weekend as newcomers The Watch and Step Up Revolution don’t have much to brag about. Let’s take a look at how things shook out and go about our Sunday shall we…

Laremy predicted the #1 movie correctly 7 Weeks In A Row

The Dark Knight Rises

After only $18 million on Friday, a 76% drop from its opening weekend, The Dark Knight Rises managed $46 million on Saturday and Sunday for only a 60% drop from its $160.8 million opening weekend. While the effect of the Aurora shooting on the film’s box-office will never be able to quantified, I think it’s quite clear the opening ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics certainly did play a role in such a steep Friday drop, which tells me there is probably still a lot more in the tank for this film.

When it comes to how well it will do overall, The Dark Knight managed $533 million domestically and I just don’t see this one hitting the $500 million mark. I could be wrong, but it is now behind The Dark Knight after only two weeks and I’m not sure it will have the same kind of legs.

Laremy was quite bullish with his $78 million prediction, but in the reader comments Ian was all over it with a spot on $64 million prediction. Good work.

Weekend: $64 million (-60.2% drop)

Cummulative Total: $289 million

RottenTomatoes Score: 87%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #1 and his prediction of $78 million was $14m off for a percentage error of 21.88%.
Ice Age: Continental Drift is hanging around with another $13.3 million this weekend, bringing its domestic total up to $114.8 million, but the big success story here is its overseas total where it had already made over $449 million going into the weekend.
Weekend: $13.3 million (-34.8% drop) / Cume: $114.8 million / RottenTomatoes: 39%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #4 with $9.8 million, which is $3.5m off for a 26.32% error.
We come to Laremy’s opening weekend stumbling block, in which he predicted the audience needed a laugh and would turn out for the new comedy The Watch to the tune of $25 million. Well, he was half-right. If the audiences needed a lift it would seem they turned to the Olympics opening ceremony as this sci-fi comedy did a little crashing and burning.

As far as reader predictions go, kudos to CJohn whose $13.4 million prediction gives him something to brag about.

Weekend: $13 million / RottenTomatoes: 14%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #2 with $25 million, which is $12m off for a 92.31% error.
Somehow Step Up Revolution is budgeted at $33 million. How does that happen with a film where I am not familiar with any of the lead actors or the director? What are they spending their money on? Either way, the 3-D dance flick opened to a meager $11.8 million, down $4 million from the previous installment’s opening weekend as the franchise would appear to be weakening.

However, the last film made over $116 million internationally meaning this is a franchise a lot like the Resident Evil franchise and apparently Ice Age as well, all three serving as evidence of how strong the international dollar has come to be.

As for predictions, Laremy was closer on this one, on the reader side of things John Debono was ever-so-close with an $11.5 million prediction.

Weekend: $11.8 million / RottenTomatoes: 33%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #3 with $10.4 million, which is $1.4m off for a 11.86% error.
5. Ted
Ted continues to hold on nicely, adding another $7.4 million and bringing the domestic total up to $193.6 million as it will soon become the eighth film in 2012 to cross the $200 million mark.
Weekend: $7.4 million (-26% drop) / Cume: $193.6 million / RottenTomatoes: 68%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #5 with $4.7 million, which is $2.7m off for a 36.49% error.
A slight 37% drop after last weekend’s big 68.6% in the face of The Dark Knight Rises.
Weekend: $6.8 million (-37% drop) / Cume: $242 million / RottenTomatoes: 73%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #6 with $3.9 million, which is $2.9m off for a 42.65% error.
Brave is still in limited release around the world and has still managed over $309 million worldwide. Going to be a while before we close the book on this one as it has several opening dates across the globe throughout August and even into September.
Weekend: $4.2 million (-30% drop) / Cume: $217.2 million / RottenTomatoes: 77%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #7 with $2.7 million, which is $1.5m off for a 35.71% error.
Can you believe this? For one thing, I thought Magic Mike would fall after its opening weekend and people thought they were getting the male version of Showgirls only to be surprised and get a legitimate movie. But on top of that, this little $7 million film has now made over 15 times its budget and is also the third film inside 6 months for Channing Tatum that has made over $100 million (The Vow, 21 Jump Street). Had G.I. Joe: Retaliation not moved to 2013 it would have been four. Amazing.

When was the last time that happened?

Weekend: $2.5 million (-40.5% drop) / Cume: $107.5 million / RottenTomatoes: 79%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #8 with $1.8 million, which is $0.7m off for a 28% error.
What is there to say?
Weekend: $1.8 million (-45.5% drop) / Cume: $43.9 million / RottenTomatoes: 54%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #9 with $1.2 million, which is $0.6m off for a 33.33% error.
Another small budget coming in with big returns as Wes Anderson’s $16 million film has now brought in over $50 million worldwide as of publication.
Weekend: $1.3 million (-27.8% drop) / Cume: $38.3 million / RottenTomatoes: 94%

Laremy’s rank: Laremy picked it to finish #10 with $1 million, which is $0.3m off for a 23.08% error.

Elsewhere, the NC-17 rated Killer Joe opened in three theaters to the tune of $37,863 for a $12,621 per theater average and SPC’s doc Searching for Sugar Man pulled in $28,533 also from three locations for a $9,511.

Fox Searchlight’s Ruby Sparks opened on Wednesday and played only 13 locations this weekend and managed a respectable $151,881 for a $11,683 per theater average.

Next weekend will see the release of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days and the Total Recall remake. Any one have any thoughts? How will Dark Knight Rises do next weekend as we get further away from the shooting but now it faces another big budget film as Total Recall is reportedly carrying a budget around $200 million.

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