Wes Anderson Eyes Depp, Wilson, Murray, Law, Norton for Next Movie

We’ve already learned Wes Anderson is deep in preparations on his new film. He’s noted his desire to film in Europe and described it as a “Euro-movie” inspired by his time in France and love of French films. “[It’s] a European story,” he told Vulture back in May, “It kind of [draws from] my own experience here, in the details that are finding their way into it.”

Anderson also told the French magazine Les Inrockuptibles, “In my next film, the main character, who’s a bit crazy, has a personal medium [mind reader] whose assistant is a teenager. I’ll give the roles to more well known actors than the kids [in Moonrise Kingdom]. I’m still attached to my favorite actors even if I still don’t know who’ll play the main role in my next film.”

It’s already been revealed there’s a spot for Owen Wilson and it’s expected Bill Murray and most likely Jason Schwartzman will pop up as well, but for those “well known actors,” Twitch has a source revealing a wealth of names.

According to their source, Anderson is approaching actors that include Johnny Depp, Edward Norton, Jude Law, Jeff Goldblum, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe and Angela Lansbury for the film which he co-wrote with a non-Hollywood friend and a mutual friend of the two served as “the inspiration for one of the main characters.”

Of course, of that cast Norton, Goldblum, Brody and Dafoe have all worked with Anderson before, but this would be a first for Depp, Law and Lansbury should this list come to pass.

Anderson is riding high at the moment with the success of Moonrise Kingdom, which debuted at Cannes and has yet to be released in even 1,000 theaters yet and has still grossed over $26 million. I urge you to see it if it’s playing near you and if you haven’t done so yet, you can read my review here.

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