I know this is nit-picking and perhaps this is the exact reason George Lucas won’t release the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray as they were originally released, but while watching this new trailer for the as-yet-undated Fall 2012 release of the Indiana Jones collection on Blu-ray, I saw saw the above moment from The Last Crusade where the plane crashes into the tunnel and noticed how much the effects stood out and how obvious it was the background didn’t match up with the plane. Then I thought about how much more obvious it would look in 1080p. Not that it would effect my enjoyment of the movie in the slightest, but just thought I would mention it.
On the other hand, the picture at the bottom of this post looks excellent. For as glaring as some of the old school effects may end up being, clearly the picture has been cleaned up something extraordinary for a low-res screen capture to look that good.
Also, how obvious is it they are trying to hide the fact Kingdom of the Crystal Skull even existed?
Check out the trailer, get excited, and once I have a firm release date for the set I’ll let you know.