‘The Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift’ Movie Review (2006)

The Fast and The Furious 3: Tokyo Drift (or FatF3 TD) is forcing me into a whole new type of grading style. Generally I try and give a grade based on what the average chump off the street would think. In this case I think FF3 has a built in audience that will appreciate it for what it is, a great B style cheesy movie. I just don’t see grandma making it out to this one so how can I knock it for her?

The storyline of FF3 follows the standard franchise line; a kid, some cars, a ton of races, and a girl. In this case the guy is Lucas Black as an unrepentant juvenile delinquent who likes fast cars much more than he does rules or personal safety. Black gets into a scrum on the mainland and is shipped off to Tokyo to live with his Navy dad to avoid jail time. He finds both trouble and cars about four seconds after landing in Japan and it pretty much goes as you’d figure from there.

I’ll tackle wasn’t doesn’t work first because it’s a shorter list. The story does evolve at a predictable pace for much of the film (but not all) and some of the scenes/action are just plain illogical. A few of the characters seem right out of casting central and the notion of “drifting” in general is handled with some silliness. Finally, the love angle is real weak as it is for every movie of this ilk. Other than that I can’t really complain. The flick was entertaining, I enjoyed it, and now I’m going to slobber on it a bit.

What works? The cars and the car racing shots definitely do. Even if you aren’t a gearhead or haven’t raced down a street at 110mph you will find a ton of fun in the scenes. They don’t go skimpy on them either, off the top of my head I can think of five major racing scenes not even counting the practicing sessions or the plain old driving around for chicks shots. The film is nothing less than car porn. They shine em up and race em off. It helps the movie move at a great pace with plenty of eye candy too. Speaking of eye candy there aren’t enough ladies doing naughty things in this one, just your basic short skirts and sultry looks. I don’t know why you don’t go full bore R with this one, it’s not like they would offend the demographic. I got the sense that they actually cut a scene or two to get down to the PG-13 which is a sad thing indeed. C’mon guys, open this baby up and let her rip next time if we are lucky enough to see a Quattro. I also want to throw an attaboy to Sung Kang as Black’s friend, he somehow channeled Patrick Swayze from Point Break while still coming off as cool.

Should you see it? Yes if you are a guy aged 13-40. Yes if you are a girl dating or with a guy aged 13-40. Yes if you’ve ever wanted to race a car or join the Yakuza. No if you watch the local news and try and hit the sack by nine or fall asleep in your chair. No if you wonder what happened to the youth of America. So overall if you’re reading a website like RopeofSilicon I’d say you’re seeing this one. It’s a giant summer film that will entertain you for a couple hours and that’s what the summer is for. Feel the drift.

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