It isn’t every month that a good movie comes out for children, but this month we have two with the success of School of Rock and now the release of Good Boy!
What would a world be like where dogs could talk, and how many times has your canine been wandering around or just staring at you and you have said, “What do you want?”
Well, this is a flick for you.
Hubble (who is really named Canid 3942) has been sent by the powerful Greater Dane on a mission from the Dog Star Sirius to make sure dogs have fulfilled their mission to colonize and dominate the Earth. Unfortunately Hubble has been caught by the dog catcher, but lucky for him Owen Baker (Aiken) saves him from the pound.
On one of Hubble’s attempts to contact Dog Star Owen is caught in a beam of light and can now talk to his “best friend.”
Hubble soon comes to realize that dogs are pets, and Owen and the rag-tag group of dogs he walks every day must now convince that dogs serve even a greater purpose on Earth. Then comes the ultimate test of convincing the Greater Dane.
At first sight a movie about talking dogs from outer space may seem ridiculous, but not when it is as funny as this one. This is a film for all ages that children are going to love.
Owen, played by Liam Aiken, who you may recognize from Road to Perdition and Stepmom is great as the young man that must try and form a bond with Hubble (voiced by Matthew Broderick) and show him what life as a dog on Earth really means.
This one can even speak to the young heart as one of the little tikes sitting next to me even cried toward the end of the film. Now that is an accomplishment!
The dogs take on a life of their own and you quickly take to the fact that they can now talk, which in itself never seems ridiculous. Come on, we all now that those pesky dogs have always had something to say!
Don’t let the children miss this one, you will be happy once you see the smile on their faces and you will leave the theater with a smile of your own.