One More Trailer for ‘X-Men: First Class’

It seems a new trailer, TV spot or international trailer is released to promote the upcoming release of X-Men: First Class on a daily basis, and in an attempt to make sure to capture some headlines before the release of the first Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 trailer later tonight, 20th Century Fox has debuted what they’ve dubbed the “theatrical trailer” for First Class.

I had done my best to avoid all trailers for this film, but Fox went and played the teaser trailer for this one in front of my press screening for Water for Elephants. And I’ll admit, the film looks good, but it also looks relatively safe and as if it isn’t really doing much to change the game. I am growing increasingly interested in both Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger because they appear to be thinking slightly out of the superhero box. I’d say I’m curious to see Green Lantern, but every ounce of marketing for that film looks like an absolute cartoon train wreck.

Having said my peace, I’ll now step aside and offer the new trailer for X-Men: First Class, which hits theaters on June 3. For more from the film click here.

X-Men First Class charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga, and reveals a secret history of famous global events. Before mutants had revealed themselves to the world, and before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Not archenemies, they were instead at first the closest of friends, working together with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop Armageddon. In the process, a grave rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-Men.

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