In My Opinion: Natalie Portman’s Top Six Films

Yesterday I posted a picture of Jean Reno and Natalie Portman from The Professional, simply because I stumbled across the photo about a week or two ago and felt it fit a slight lull in content. Then a few people began ranking and discussing Portman’s other films, which got me to thinking about what my favorite Portman films were and how I would rank them.

For the sake of this argument, Portman’s film career started very early so this also means there were a few notable films she was in that I don’t necessarily consider “Natalie Portman films”. If I had considered them both, Heat and Mars Attacks! would have made this list, but her contribution to both isn’t enough to warrant placement, though I tried hard to make a case for Heat.

Also, before we get to the six I chose as my favorite Portman films, I should say I haven’t seen Anywhere But Here, Where the Heart Is, True, Domino One, Free Zone, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium or The Other Woman. So that’s why this isn’t a top ten. I didn’t want to resort to Brothers or The Other Boleyn Girl just because I hadn’t seen enough of her movies. So, I stopped where I wanted to and six became the magic number.

Let’s get to it.

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