What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #87

It was a busy week of screenings and personal stuff for me during the after work hours so I wasn’t able to watch much. However, I did get one film under the belt which I’ll talk about below as well as watched Scream and Scream 2, which I’ll discuss further after watching Scream 3. I’m seeing Scream 4 very shortly and need to make sure I’m all caught up. I will say this, though, the original Scream won over audiences primarily because it has a great ending. A lot of the fun one-liners found in Scream carryover to Scream 2, but wow does that film have a terrible ending. More on that later though, for now… here’s what I watched…

State of the Union (1948)

Now it’s your turn. Hopefully a few of you caught Source Code as I have an article coming up shortly discussing the ending.

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