UPDATED: First Full Trailer for ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’

UPDATE: I have updated the trailer below with a higher resolution version and added 14 screen captures to the gallery right here.

Which one of this year’s big budget comic book flicks will impress us most? The last trailer for Thor didn’t look half-bad, I haven’t watched the trailer for X-Men: First Class and Green Lantern looks like a stinker. However, I have a sneaking suspicion Captain America: The First Avenger may end up being the one that ends up surprising me.

I don’t say that because of this just released trailer, because I didn’t watch it. I simply get the feeling the lack of superhero mumbo-jumbo may help an audience connect to this story beyond everything the others have to offer. Certainly X-Men is probably the front-runner based on the reactions I’ve read, but I’m not going to count this one out. Perhaps it’s just a sense of hope that has me feeling this way at the moment, because I’ve certainly been down on this film up until now.

The first full length trailer is below and a higher resolution version is expected to be available tomorrow so I’ll update this post once it arrives. Let me know what you think.

Captain America is set to hit theaters on July 22. Joe Johnston (The Rocketeer) directed the feature which stars Chris Evans in the title role joined by Hugo Weaving, Sebastian Stan, Hayley Atwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Toby Jones, Dominic Cooper, Tommy Lee Jones, Neal McDonough, Stanley Tucci and Richard Armitage. for more information on the film click here.

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