‘Your Highness’: I Hope They Saved the Jokes for the Movie

Universal has released a second red band trailer for Your Highness in desperate fashion as the regular trailers simply didn’t promise enough nudity, eff bombs or penis jokes, but I’m still not laughing. In fact, I didn’t laugh at anything in this trailer although based on other blogger headlines it would appear the “booby trap” line was meant to give me a chuckle.

This morning I was thumbing through the most recent issue of “The Hollywood Reporter” and came across the headline for a recent article by Pamela McClintock. “How Studios Need Summer to Shake the 2011 Slump” it read and based on the trailer below it would appear she’s on to something because I have a hard time believing a film that can’t even make a restricted trailer funny will actually be able to pull in dollars.

As always, I reserve the right to have the film actually change my mind, but based on the marketing meant to pique my interest I have very little confidence.

Your Highness hits theaters on April 8 and stars James Franco, Danny R. McBride, Natalie Portman, Zooey Deschanel and Justin Theroux and was directed by David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express). For more on the film and a look at our gallery of 17 images click here.

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