What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #84

This past week I had four screenings as well as a TON of college basketball to watch so I only got around to a couple of films. I did, however manage to also read “The Hunger Games”, which I must say I quite enjoyed and am now already a few pages into “Catching Fire”. If you’ve been reading upcoming film adaptation and are curious why it’s making so much news you may want to pick it up, it’s a really quick read, something I imagine the two follow-up books are as well. I do have my thoughts on the casting that’s been discussed so far, but I’ll save that for the next Hunger Games-specific post.

Now, let’s talk movies.

Days of Thunder (1990)
Billy Budd (1962)

So how about you? Did you catch up on last week’s releases by catching Rango or The Adjustment Bureau? How about this week’s releases? Did you go see Battle: Los Angeles and are you just as confused by the hatred most critics seemed to have for it or do you agree with the more negative reviews entirely? Did any of you have to go see Red Riding Hood?

Share your cinematic experiences below.

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