Marion Cotillard May Have a Role in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

I first read this little “rumor” at Slash Film as notable French newspaper Le Figaro reports Marion Cotillard may make herself available for one film in 2011, and after bouncing out of David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis citing a scheduling conflict, a role in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises may be the reason.

After reading this I asked my friends, Aurélien and Emma, at France-based Cinema Teaser if this was something to be taken seriously or if “Le Figaro” has a gossip column of sorts. They tell me “Le Figaro” is not a paper to print gossip and they would not say something without strong information.

As I’m sure you are all aware, Cotillard is due to give birth to her first child with Guillaume Canet in May, and The Dark Knight Rises is set to begin filming in London and Los Angeles in May. There’s no telling how large of a role she would be coming on for, but the fanboy sites are already speculating she’ll play Talia al Ghul, daughter to Ra’s al Ghul (Liam Neeson).

“Le Figaro” says Cotillard will join the shoot this summer in Los Angeles. Perhaps she’s hoping for about three months after giving birth and taking a week to shoot a role in what is expected to be Nolan’s third and final Batman feature.

Nolan has already brought Inception star Tom Hardy in to play the lead villain Bane and word has it Joseph Gordon-Levitt will also have a part so why not make it three Inception stars and given Cotillard a role?

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