Let’s Talk about that ‘Captain America’ Trailer

So yesterday while the Super Bowl trailers played and simultaneously debuted online I added them to the site, but didn’t add any commentary and if there is any one day out of the year where I actually do watch trailers it’s Super Bowl Sunday and I must say the one trailer I was most interested in seeing was for Captain America: The First Avenger. The pictures we’ve seen so far looked rather ridiculous, director Joe Johnston doesn’t inspire confidence and the story just seems too “been there, done that.” And after seeing the trailer I remain unconvinced.

Primarily, this seems almost exactly like Stephen Sommers’s G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra and we all remember how that turned out with a director of questionable talents.

Like Joe this story involves enhanced soldiers. In Joe it was mechanized suits and it appears in Captain America it’s a strange steroid concoction that turns Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) into a beefed up and puffy looking Captain America. In Joe the villain is COBRA led by the Cobra Commander and in Captain America it’s HYDRA led by the Red Skull (Hugo Weaving). The similarities are rather uncanny.

I have not seen Joe Johnston’s The Rocketeer, but a lot of people are saying the fact both films deal with the same time period they think there’s a chance he can pull this off. I wonder if those same people still think that after seeing the trailer. I have The Rocketeer on my coffee table right now from NetFlix and will be watching it this week to see what people have been talking about for myself.

So with that I ask, what did you think of the Captain America trailer? Did it increase your anticipation, lessen it or are you still stuck in the middle ground? It did nothing to impress me, not moving the dial one way or another, although I still think the suit looks ridiculous.

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet give it a watch directly below and then leave your thoughts in the comments. Captain America: The First Avenger opens on July 22. For more from the film including our gallery of stills click here.

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