2011 Screen Actors Guild Awards User Prediction Results

The user results are in and I can’t help but wonder if people would have voted a little differently if they had known the Directors Guild was going to award Tom Hooper for The King’s Speech. Of course, acting awards have nothing to do with directing awards, but the influence may have been there to go with The King’s Speech for perhaps Best Ensemble over The Fighter or The Social Network. Maybe Geoffrey Rush over Christian Bale?

As it stands now, based on user votes The Fighter will be tonight’s big winner with three categories to its credit including Best Ensemble, Best Supporting Actor (Christian Bale) and Best Supporting Actress (Melissa Leo). There was hardly a close race, the closest being Supporting Actress where Melissa Leo beat out Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) with Leo getting exactly 50% of the votes and Steinfeld getting 27%. So in all honesty, not even that was close.

The only prediction I differ on from the user predictions is I have Annette Bening (The Kids are All Right) winning Best Actress and the users disagree with me by a huge margin, giving Natalie Portman (Black Swan) 75% of the votes. I agree, Portman is definitely the assumed front-runner, but I just have a hunch Bening is going to start her Oscar run tonight.

[poll id = “155”]

I did, however, realize I left one category off the prediction list of the film categories and figured it wouldn’t hurt to add a little bit of added conversation to this article outside of just rattling off results. I don’t expect to get many votes for this, but if you are so inclined how about predicting who you think will win the Actor for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture. After all, it is your only opportunity to vote for Inception tonight… the film I assume all of you will predict will win.

Beyond that, I have included the winner results below and you can browse the full voting results and my predictions right here. If you want to check out the full list of nominees, including television, you can get those right here.

Other than that, be sure and check back around 4:00 PM PST as I will begin my Screen Actors Guild Awards live-blog around that time. Until then discuss the results below.

  • The Fighter

    RUNNER-UP: The Social Network
  • Colin Firth, The King’s Speech

    RUNNER-UP: James Franco, 127 Hours
  • Natalie Portman Black Swan

    RUNNER-UP: Annette Bening, The Kids are All Right
  • Christian Bale, The Fighter

    RUNNER-UP: Geoffrey Rush, The King’s Speech
  • Melissa Leo, The Fighter

    RUNNER-UP: Hailee Steinfeld, True Grit
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